Sections you are instructor for in Winter 2020:
Section Title Type Status Operations

AMST 0500F

Independent Study

Independent Study


AMST 0710F

Honors Thesis

Senior Work


ENAM 0500R

Special Project: Lit

Independent Study


Normally instructors do not need to create additional Course Hub Sites for lab and discussion sections since the Course Hub sites for the Lecture or Seminar sections suffice for most needs and reduce clutter in students' dashboards.

Here are some cases where you may want to create Course Hub sites for labs, discussions, and other section-types:

  • The lab is taught by a separate instructor with its own resources and syllabus.
  • There is a need to create separate resources (e.g. Canvas Sites) for each discussion section.
  • An 'independent study' or 'thesis' type section is being taught as a class or needs course resources.